A bridge …

This is “love heals” with Mary Rose — a creative expression as a muse for wisdom and living with myeloma

This newsletter is packed with information to:

  • make it easy to send timely health updates

  • provide a way to give more info for those who want that

  • give my geekiness an outlet as part of a passion project of writing that helps focus my energy and thinking in practical ways

  • allow for a bit of frivolity around moments of joy and favorite foods

  • free up time I can spend one-on-one with beloveds and in my writing practice

… not a wall

I welcome emails, comments, texts, calls, Zooms, FaceTime, FB smiles, and the truly wonderful, safe in-person visit. I’ll talk your ear off, if you want, about cancer and treatment and personal growth, but it is especially very gratifying to learn about what is going on in your life. When you give me the gift of knowing about your life’s journey, it helps me feel like I still matter and gives me strength.

Don’t be concerned that you might bother me. I promise to let you know if I can’t engage at a particular time and will suggest another time we can connect.

The writer

Mary Rose is a thinker, writer, and baker; a happy wife, a loving mother, a good neighbor, and a fine friend. I am a retired communications professional, a long-time personal growth seeker, and living with myeloma.

My wife and I moved to the beautiful Pacific Northwest in March 2020 (yes, at the very start of the pandemic shutdown). We had just finished winding down the high-tech production company I owned for almost 30 years. We came in search of a more tender way of life, where there is lots of room to breathe and long moments to consider beauty. We are grateful that we got that.


Our lives took a big turn when, in October 2022, we learned I have myeloma. No other single event has cut through every layer of my existence as this cancer diagnosis. Fundamentally, this newsletter makes it easy to provide updates and add some fun to the mix. But there is more going on, and it has to do with an emerging obsession to reckon with life and gain wisdom. Cancer has already changed me. I think the change is good.

Stay up-to-date

Subscriptions are free and every new newsletter edition goes directly to your inbox. You can read the newsletter in your email or use the app to see previous posts, other writings about the healing process, a visual gratitude list, and some favored recipes.

Know someone else who should be on the list? Please feel free to share.

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Substack is a hybrid blogging platform designed for writers. It is an excellent way to set up an email and app-based newsletter. If you'd like to learn more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, you can visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to love heals with Mary Rose

creative expression as a muse for wisdom and living with myeloma


Writer. Thinker. Baker. Myeloma Manager.
I am Mary's wife.
Listener. Thinker. Storyteller.