Thank you for your very informative updates. I know Jacki and Mary are home again and I wonder how they are doing daily so your updates are important for us all.

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Thanks Ina for the report on Mary ‘s progress. It is edifying and impressive. We are in awe of what she is going through and her courage. God bless her and give her strength. We are glad that she has you and

Jackie for support. Our prayers and love are with her.

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I continue to be amazed at how Mom, Jackie, you even Mike, are handling this! Love to all.

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Thank you for this update Ina. Your mom is getting good at the cha-cha, for sure. It continues to amaze me—all that she has faced, and continues to deal with—all the while, keeping a positive attitude. Remission is the mission. We are surrounding all of you with love and huge doses of healing energy for Rosie❤️

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