Reading your latest post and I admire your candor and the strength with which you are facing this. Greg and I mention you both in our evening prayers before dinner and send you waves of love and healing. We continue to hold you both in our hearts. You are facing this with such grace and tenacity. XO

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Sending you and Jackie loving and healing energy, every minute of every day. I recognize, in your posts, Mary the Fighter that I met 30 years ago. Stay strong and soldier on. Love you both, Marco and Sam

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Love heals indeed, darlings! You are writing the owner’s manual of all time. The palpable awareness of all your systems and processes is astonishing. Keep writing. Keep up the humour (note: Canadian spelling). Keep up the love. Best medicine going. Mission is Remission. Love, J&A

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Mary you have a gift to writing. As I read your updates it takes me back to our monthly visits when you and Jackie would come in for your facials and as always have amazing conversations. Stay strong and know I think of you both often. Love to you both.

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