Appreciating your update, especially knowing healing and recovery are happening. Yay for good news and a VGPR! Updates, essays, details of any amount are always welcome. : ) Sparkles, positive thoughts, energy and ongoing resilience & courage are showering down on you and Jackie. Aug 9th is marked on my calendar. Hugs to you both, Susan <3

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Thank you so much for your healing energy. It’s working!!! We are getting through this with aplomb. Jackie and I both send our love back your way. πŸ’•

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Yes you are dear, yes you are!

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Mary Rose

Alright, a plan is coming together with dates and specifics. We also like the load-sharing of updates with Jackie and Ina. VGPR is great but CR is best - got it! We're stocking up on extra sparkles as i write! Muchos Love from across the Salish Sea. J&A

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CR is an β€œA”! That’s remission. The mission is remission! I’m getting there.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Mary Rose

Thank you for the update Rosie. Isn’t it wonderful that you and Jackie are in a position to pivot to the next phase, with relative ease. We are sending you so much love and virtual support.

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Jul 30, 2023Β·edited Jul 30, 2023Author

You speak truth. When I get overwhelmed and pouty with the planning and calls and follow ups and appointments and all that is going into this, I often pause and let gratitude wash over me. Too many give up this fight because it seems or simply is out of their reach.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Mary Rose

Good news on all fronts! You and Jackie remain in our thoughts, prayers and desire to see you move into remission. Post when you are able. Love will cure. Hugs to you both.

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Wishing you well on the next step of your brave journey! We’re all just here reading the thoughts you generously share to inspire us. πŸ’•

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Mary Rose

That is wonderful news Mary Rose!! Keep up the fight!! Continuing to keep you in my prayers!πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

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