Darling Mary, we are ready to be your extended tag team brawlers in your 2024 wrestle match to a "new normal"! You have triumphed this year. Relish in your current state. Jackie is your North Star! Please head over to Victoria when you're ready to travel & sail!

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A sail is high on our list of ventures. Being with you and beautiful Angela is even higher. Sending love back to you both.

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Mary Rose-Raising my cup of coffee in celebration of your 100 Day Milestone. May the year 2024 bring you and Jackie much happiness, joy and more celebrating of precious moments. Happy New Year !

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Wow…I was aware of the 100 days…but did not know when that Mike stone would be reached! You did it! I must disagree with your tenuous loss of words…oh your words are there and any loss or whatever, is not obvious at all! You are just fine with words. Jackie…thank you for taking such good care of Mary. Care givers have a hard road too and you too are traveling that with dignity.

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This is really great news Mary. I know that mountain was a very high one to climb but you have done it!. YEAH! I know with Jackie’s continued support you will manage the next part of the journey—-really super great news to end 2023 and start 2024

Happy new year

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Thank you Mary for using critical energy for the update. I am hoping 2024 brings you and Jackie the strength, courage and most importantly joy!

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Author

Hoping for wonderfulness for you and Alexus in 2024 as well.

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