Apr 27Liked by Mary Rose

Besides the fact that your recovery is an amazing story, I feel an energy in your writing, a warmth in the tone, and amazement in every word. You inspire me with your knowledge and I read as if it’s a mystery novel that you know will have a super great payoff. Yes, we are so happy for your success. As I write that I can only imagine how hard of a journey it was and is. But you did it! By the way, all those white boards (used daily), pens, motorized tables, post it pads, and so much more, keeps you in our thoughts every day.

Robert & Rebecca

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"Amazement." Yes, that is a good word. This is an amazing time that keeps me on my toes. My days are now filled with writing as I inch toward the book. https://maryrose23.substack.com/i/143431345/a-book-in-the-works

A way of making sense of all this and giving back.

Speaking of inspiration, your beautiful work and the success with Six by Six make my heart leap with every new song and announcement. Way to be alive, my friend.

P.S. Five years now since parts of my business found a more noble purpose by helping grow young minds. It makes me happy to know it's still working.

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Apr 27Liked by Mary Rose

Mary and Jackie…what a trip…not a planned one, not one looking forward to, but just one that is being done with grace. Thank you, Arlene

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